Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sparse Grey Matter Fly Tying Event

On Sunday (Feb. 27, 2011) there was a fly tying event held in Califon at the Fire House, which was co-sponsored by Dette Flies (Roscoe, NY) & Shannon's Fly Shop (Califon, NJ).  I had caught wind of it about a week ago and decided to roll through. For a 1st time event the turn out was pretty solid.  It was open to all levels of tyers and there was plenty of moral support & a wealth of information from the very experienced and well seasoned tyers that made everyone welcome, but more importantly inspired the next crop of future tyers.  It was very cool to see the tables filled with tyers holding court to multiple people who had the tyers ears. Exchange of ideas were a plenty.  Nice hall, nice ties, and a nice event.  Would be a shame to not have it next year.  It slots in nicely, before the last Fly Fishing Show in Philadelphia, which the Double Haul team will be at on Saturday tying for the Catskills Fly Tyers Guild to kick off the show.

Here's some pics taken of this cool event. 

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